Enugu News

Enugu Modern Transport Terminal, Another Of Gov. Mbah’s Masterstroke

By Samson Ezea

When in October last year Enugu State Governor, Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah announced his government’s plan to embark on the construction of a modern transport terminal or exchange around the chaotic Holy Ghost axis of Enugu, it was received with mixed reactions and feelings. While some doubted its possibility, others questioned its viability and importance. Many even covertly and overtly opposed and criticised it, stressing that apart from being ill-timed, there would be colossal economic and losses, and other inconveniences.

While one can say that they were all entitled to their opinions and fears, I remember writing an article titled: “Mbah, Enugu Central Terminal and Armchair Critics” which was published in The Sun Newspaper of November, 22nd, 2023. In the article, I made it very clear that the mixed reactions and feelings about the proposed gigantic modern transport exchange project were natural and expected.

This is because whenever any government comes up with any developmental policy, programme or project that will benefit the people at a long run, there will always be criticisms, oppositions and sabotage. Not because such a project or programme is not good, needed and enduring, but simply because human beings are always averse to change and beneficiaries of the status quo do not like to be dislodged. They will always prefer the status quo to remain without considering or minding what the majority are suffering or facing because of their chaotic and nuisance activities. That is human being for you, especially in our own clime, that an average human being is selfish, insatiable, greedy, fastidious, narcissistic, and materialistic.

I made it explicitly clear that it was for these obvious, selfish and preposterous reasons that some people instead of celebrating, defending and sharing the cheering and good news of Governor Peter Mbah administration’s plan to construct a massive two-in-one gigantic Enugu Central Terminal Project, which after completion will even be a better version of the popular Lagos-Oshodi Transportation Interchange, they were busy criticising, condemning and misinforming people about it on social media platforms, forgetting that the Transport Terminal will redefine Enugu transportation system, give the state a face-lift, create employment opportunities and reduce crime.

I also said that they didn’t know that when completed, the project would serve as a major transportation hub with a dual terminal that will be seamlessly linked for both Inter-State and Intra-state travel, the existing rail line, massive adjoining link roads, a major hub for commercial activities and a natural clean oxygenated air and green environment with the ambience of smart cities abroad.

I was emphatic and gladdened by the fact that being a considerate government with human face, Governor Peter Mbah and the State Commissioner For Transport, Hon. Obi Ozor had before the public announcement of the project began an intensive stakeholder consultation and engagement with people who have existing businesses within the area, with the intention of compensating and temporarily relocating them to another location while the construction lasts. And once completed, the businesses and other transport and logistics companies in the axis will be given right of first refusal into the ultra-modern Enugu Central Terminal that will also serve as a major hub for a properly planned Mass Transit Station with modular terminals at Garki, Abakpa and Nsukka.

I was of the strong view that the project is developmental, enduring, progenital, and a signature project that is long overdue. The project will reposition, salvage, and sanitise that axis of the state that had been a nuisance, shame, and eyesore.

To further buttress my points, demonstrate my conviction and support for the project, I decided not to engage or attack one of the social media critics of the project and my elderly Facebook friend, Chief Omife I Omife, Mbuze Mbaukwu on his emotional and armchair criticism of the project on his Facebook wall with the title, “His Excellency, Governor Mbah I don’t know what you, your boys are doing.”

Even though I was disappointed and baffled at the frivolous and tribalistic argument or narrative he was pushing against the proposed project, which was his entitled opinion though, I didn’t expect such jaundiced and baseless write up from him, considering his age and exposure and for the fact that some people look unto him as experienced agenda and opinion moulder.

To throw more light on the economic importance of the proposed Modern Transport Terminal at the Holy Ghost axis, I went down memory lane by penning my Lagos experience of Modern Transport Terminal. I said: “As a young man who arrived Lagos in search of greener pasture in the early 2000s, my experience on alighting from a bus at the notorious Oshodi market and park around 7pm was better imagined than experienced, despite being warned earlier about the notoriety of criminals and their activities in Oshodi.

“Apart from the nauseating traffic snarl that started from Gbagada axis and lasted for over five hours for a journey that shouldn’t have lasted for twenty minutes, I was robbed of my phone and money immediately I alighted from a bus in Oshodi by 7pm. That was before my relative who was coming from Mushin to pick me could arrive Oshodi. Later, one of the boys who robbed me later came to sympathise with me.

“Because I had my relative’s phone number offhand, I used the handset of the criminal turned sympathiser to link up with my relation. Living in Lagos for over a decade now, I have listened to people’s different sad tales and experiences at Oshodi before it was demolished and modernized as a terminal of global standard.

“I was quite aware as a journalist with The Guardian Newspaper Lagos that before the commencement of the demolition and modernisation of Oshodi markets and parks by the then Governor of Lagos, Barr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, which was later completed and commissioned by his successor, Mr. Akinwummi Ambode, several moves and efforts by successive governments in Lagos to embark on the project were frustrated and thwarted by those who were benefitting from the mess and had wanted it to continue at the expense of majority of Lagosians.

“I was privileged and lucky to be part of the Guardian Newspaper editorial team that went to interview the then Governor Fashola on the demolition and modernisation of Oshodi immediately the project took off.

“When Fashola was asked how it was possible for him to demolish Oshodi in the face of stiff oppositions, resistance, condemnations and criticisms, Fashola said: “After due consultations and engagements with the affected stakeholders and leadership of markets and transport unions, I discovered that they were not forthcoming and ready for the modernisation of Oshodi, I had to be proactive, assertive and decisive by ordering for the immediate commencement of demolition of Oshodi without further delay.

“The day caterpillars and bulldozers moved in with security operatives and commenced work, calls and messages were coming to my phones from who is who in Lagos and beyond, pestering and pleading with me to halt the demolition, but I refused to pick or reply until after the demolition and removal of debris was completed.”

He continued: “If I didn’t take such decisive, bold, and assertive step, the beneficiaries of the nefarious activities at Oshodi will not allow the demolition to be carried out.”

Today, the Oshodi Interchange is the best and of international standard. It has created jobs, reduced crime, traffic snarl, and disorderlines in that axis. Those who initially opposed or criticized the modernisation are enjoying it.

Back to Enugu State, where Governor Mbah is about to embark on the construction of Enugu Central Terminal, he deserves the support and accolades of everyone who means well for Enugu State and its residents. The chaotic situation at the Holy Ghost axis due to the unwholesome activities of transport owners, agberos and traders is irritating cum disturbing and requires urgent attention and intervention by government. That successive governments in Enugu allowed the situation to fester does not make it right, normal and acceptable.

The number of transport owners, traders and agberos in the affected areas are not more than the number of Enugu indigenes and residents that often suffer and experience untold hardships and stress in the area. Enugu, being the headquarters of the old Eastern region, deserves something more organized, beautiful, and befitting than what it presently has around Holy Ghost axis in the name of motor parks.

It is quite interesting and good to know that Governor Mbah had during the engagements and consultations with affected stakeholders in the area assured them that they would be considered and accommodated after the completion of the terminal.

It is not surprising, but gladdening that of recent and as promised, Governor Mbah has lived up to the expectations and walked his talk by clearing all the legal, financial and human hurdles and barriers that would have impeded the commencement or execution of the modern transport interchange.

As can be seen in the news recently, the affected stakeholders of the project, who are mainly popular transporters and banks have not only bought into the people-oriented project and its enormous benefits and need, they have started amidst joy, surprise and commendations to receive financial compensation from Gov. Mbah’s government.

They aree also being provided with a temporary place of operation by the Enugu State government, pending when the terminal will be completed and they will return on right of first refusal basis.

This has been quietly, administratively and diplomatically achieved by Governor Mbah to the shock, surprise disappointment of some social media trumpeters, meddlesome interlopers and opposition, who have been urging and prodding the affected stakeholders to resist or oppose the proposed modernisation of the transport system in the axis for no just cause or genuine reason. This breakthrough and positive development is indeed another giant stride and diplomatic masterstroke by Governor Mbah’s administration in its sincere, determined and committed pursuit of rapid economic growth and development in the state.

Ezea writes from Independence Layout, Enugu State

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