Enugu NewsPolitics


By Chiemerie Ugwuedemani

Since 1999 when the present democracy birthed in Nigeria, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) that has held power in Enugu State had always favoured the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone, because of their unflinching loyalty and unwavering support for the party and governments in the state. People of the zone who defected from the PDP for selfish political reasons had always seen reasons to return to the party after a futile and brief sojourn in opposition. Successive PDP governments in Enugu State have brought infrastructural development and political appointments to Enugu North Senatorial zone.

When it was the turn of the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone to produce Governor in line with the rotational and zoning arrangement of governorship seat in the state, something unexpected happened that nearly scuttled it. That was at twilight of then Governor of Enugu State, Barr.

Sullivan Chime’s tenure. Chime had suddenly became sick and was flown abroad. This development created political tension and uncertainty in the state, because there was no proper handover of power and clear communication of Chime whereabouts and state of health. Different amorphous groups sprang up and were peddling whatever suited thier interest and that of their paymasters about the situation. Some even peddled that Chime was incapacitated and others alleged that he was dead, when none was true.

Had it been anything happened to Chime in terms of death, the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone would have been the greatest losers politically, because Chime’s Deputy from Enugu East Senatorial zone, Hon. Sunday Onyebuchi would have been sworn in as Governor and nothing would have stopped it. In short, Onyebuchi would have consolidated power, finished Chime’s term, contested election and won.

This happened in 2010 when President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua died and Vice President Goodluck Jonathan took over power and contested election and won in 2011. He even contested for second term in 2015 and lost, mainly because he refused to abide by the PDP zoning formula and the agreement he had in 2011with the PDP Northern Governors and leaders to give power to North in 2015 in line with the PDP zoning arrangement.

It also happened in Kogi State when the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate, Alhaji Abubakar Audu of Igala tribe died after winning election, and result had not been officially announced by INEC. This was how the outgoing Governor of Kogi State, Abubakar Bello from minority Ebiraland of Kogi Central Senatorial zone became Governor for two terms, consolidated power and installed a successor from the same zone with him. The dominant and more populous Igala tribe of Kogi East Senatorial zone didn’t envisage this divine occurrence when they were lording it over other tribes and zones in the state politically for decades.

This divine, untimely or natural political intervention or happenstance is beyond anyone’s control, political intrigues or calculations. Those who are dismissive of it in politics and other human endeavours do play God at their own peril. If the above-mentioned divine incidents had happened in Enugu State ahead of 2015 general elections, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi from Enugu North Senatorial zone wouldn’t have become Governor of Enugu State in 2015.

Ugwuanyi’s tenure as Governor of Enugu State remains the greatest gift to the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone in all ramifications. Everyone especially the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone know the state of the infrastructure and development in the zone before and after Ugwuanyi’s administration. The massive human empowerments and infrastructural development brought by Ugwuanyi’s administration to the zone, which included the dualised Opi/ Nsukka, SUMAS University Igbo Ano, attracted Federal Polytechnic Ohodo, asphalted roads, hospitals and others that have given the zone an unprecedented face-lift are verifiable and visible.

Despite all these and ahead of 2023 general elections, some questionable characters and beneficiaries of the PDP governments’ largesse in the state from the zone, who mortgaged the collective political interest of Nsukka people for their own selfish benefits foisted their brother-in-law and the governorship candidate of Labour Party, Barr. Chijioke Edeoga’s ambition as Nsukka project, even when it violated the law of natural justice and was against the zoning of governorship seat in Enugu State.

Leveraging on their desperations, contacts in security circle, corridors of power and churches, these characters hypotenised, mobilised, blackmailed and brainwashed some people from the zone against the PDP in the elections and had their ways to some extent. They were celebratory and boastful of their victory, especially in the National Assembly elections, after losing the governorship election to the PDP.

Meanwhile, ahead of the awaited rerun of the Igbo Eze North/ Udenu Federal Constituency, which the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Engr. Simon Atigwe will likely win, it is hoped that what remains of some turncoat PDP members who hid under the church and phantom Obidient Movement/ Labour Party chicanery to sabotage PDP victory in the 2023 general elections will have a rethink.

As of today, what is left of the Labour Party in Enugu North Senatorial zone that made the zone headquarters and rallying point of Labour Party in Enugu State, out of pettiness, conspiracy and greed by some fastidious and rapacious PDP members turned Labour Party apologists overnight are a senatorial seat (Enugu North Senatorial zone) four House of Assembly seats (Igbo Eze South, Igbo Etiti West, Nsukka East, Nsukka West) and one House of Representatives seat (Nsukka/ Igbo Eze South Federal Constituency).

It is truism that law of Karma caught up with the PDP members turned Labour Party apologists and supporters, who used PDP resources given to them in trust and confidence to work against PDP and in favour of the PDP estranged and pretentious members turned Labour Party’s candidates in the 2023 elections.

Yes law of Karma is real. Conspirators and backstabbers will always have their days of reckonings. That was why as the so-called Labour Party members and candidates, who were beneficiaries and known PDP members before the 2023 elections were about to savour the joy of their 2023 conspiratorial and phyrric victory in Enugu North Senatorial zone, they lost in quick succession two House of Representatives seats (Igbo-Etiti/ Uzo-Uwani and Igbo Eze North/ Udenu) and a House of Assembly seat (Udenu State Constituency) to the PDP in the court.

For the mere fact that they lack political sagacity to understand the arithmetic of politics, they didn’t see or envisage the losses that befall them in court. They had convincingly believed and thought after the elections that they had buried the PDP and its members in Enugu North Senatorial zone, forgetting that in politics, it is not over until it is over.

Because the Labour Party apologists and leaders in Enugu North zone were in a hurry to conspire and plot against the PDP in the zone during 2023 elections, using even some senior military personnel from the zone, whom they lured into the elections against their professional ethics and rules of engagements, they were unable to field qualified candidates, tidy their flanks and cover their tracks very well, thereby creating legal lapses and loopholes for their losses to PDP in court.

Theirs was a case of one who was pointing accusing finger at someone, forgetting that God was pointing the remaining four fingers at him; for he was not better than the person he was accusing and maligning for wrong doings. The case of PDP members-turned emergency and sanctimonious Labour Party members and apologists in Enugu North Senatorial zone before 2023 elections was that of kettle calling the pot black.

Since after the Labour Party candidates’ losses in court to the PDP, which has invariably brought PDP back to prominence and reckoning in the zone, the Labour Party apologists, their social media hirelings and even leaders and members have been in disarray and quandary. They have desisted from their usual writing of open letters, social media bantering, swashbuckling, misyarnings, and rantings against the PDP and their members. Even a former PDP senator in the zone, who worked for LP in 2023 elections and recently resigned his membership of PDP is in a dilemma now over his next political move, having failed to stop PDP victory in court before his resignation.

The LP leaders in Enugu North Zone, who are occupying elective seats are neither here nor there, because they have seen it clearly that with PDP in charge of governorship seat, majority seats in the House of Assembly and some seats at National Assembly, there are no better days and years ahead for their party in the zone. That is why many of them are already struggling to align with the PDP for political relevance and survival ahead of 2027.

What happened to the PDP traitors turned Labour Party apologists and leaders in Enugu North Senatorial zone after 2023 general elections will remain a big lesson and reference point to people that the worst form of betrayal and treachery is ingratitude. All the people who worked against PDP with the PDP government’s resources in 2023 general elections in the Enugu North Senatorial zone were PDP leaders and members. They are known, and their roles in the conspiracies were observed and documented.

They have been engaging in sycophancy and eye service for the present Enugu State Government to see if they can exonerate themselves and their sins forgiven. They have suddenly become much interested in how many Enugu North people have been appointed by Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah’s government, even when they didn’t vote for Mbah and never believed in his government.

They have made themselves defenders and spokespersons of Enugu North Senatorial zone, especially as it concerns Governor Mbah’s government, all in a bid to seek undue attention and recognition that is not forthcoming. Many of them are now regretful and remorseful of their conspiracies and treachery in the 2023 elections simply because it failed and may keep them in political oblivion, hibernation and eventual extinction as the case may be.

From the political look of things, they know that there is no way the Labour Party and church conspiracies against PDP in 2023 elections will be sustained in the Enugu North Senatorial zone until 2027 general elections. Having dissected what happened in Enugu North Senatorial zone before, during and after the 2023 general elections, it is not late for the people of the zone who misled and deceived the people against PDP with lies and propaganda in 2023 elections to redeem their political images, especially now that PDP is strongly bouncing back in the zone and state in general. It behoves on the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone to close ranks and stand firm with the ruling and dominant party (PDP) for continous inclusiveness and development of the zone and its people. Numerical strength and population without political power and relevance is like a motor without engine. Igala people in Kogi East Senatorial zone of Kogi State is a good example.

In advanced democracies across the globe, two major parties are dominant and visible. That does not mean that there are no other parties. There are, but two are always and mostly dominant. It is in the best of the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone to be with the dominant, performing and relevant party ahead of 2027 to reap the gains of their numerical strength and potentials. They should support Governor Mbah’s administration the way the people of Enugu East and West zones supported their own son, Ugwuanyi when he was Governor of Enugu State. This is the best option for the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone. Going forward, anything contrary to the above-mentioned option will be suicidal and disastrous politically for them. Politics is a game of realism and possibility and not idealism.

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