
Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, Called to Lead

By Reuben Onyishi

When Nicodemus visited Jesus by night, he told Christ that of a truth no ordinary man could do such things as Jesus did except he was of God. Nicodemus understood the personality of Christ, and knew quite well that Jesus had extra-human capacity. Nicodemus defied his natural belief as a Saducee and a tax collector, and confessed Christ.Jesus came fulfilling his destiny of human redemption by His blood. His calling is fleshed out in John 3:16: ‘For God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.’ The purpose of Christ on earth was human redemption by his blood and once he accomplished that task, he had to return to his Father before whose right side He sits and reigns.

Everyone is called. Untill one discovers one’s calling on earth, one is surely not in the hope of doing reasonably well. One of the ministries of Satan is to derail men from answering to their calling.Some do not even ever get to know the area of their calling, and that accounts for the error under the sun as the bible would account; such an error where servants ride on horses and kings go on barefoot; called a medical doctor; ended up a mechanic; called a lawyer; ended up a medical doctor. Achebe clearly knew he was not called a medical doctor when he left Medicine into which he had gained admission at the University of Ibadan for Classics: English and Religion. Things Fall Apart might never have been written if Achebe didn’t answer to his calling.

Untill you discover your calling, that is your destiny, you have nothing to offer your world. Your world is your area of calling. You are created to make impacts in your world for the kingdom of God. When you operate outside the area of your calling, you struggle with it all through and may likely not make any significant impact there. Untill the fish finds its way into the water, it can only end up in the pot of soup. When men discover their area of calling, they sail with easy. No man amounts to anything great outside his destiny. Although the question of destiny has found some kind of polemic divides, the truth of destiny is undeniable, whether or not character is fate.

Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in Enugu State is called to lead, and Peter is minded to answer to his calling. He had found no fulfilment even as a big player in the private sector. Peter, no doubt, has a destiny in leadership. He is a top-notch 21st Century transcedental leader wired with the best main currents in modern leadership. No one encounters Peter Mbah who remains the same. If you had any reservation prior to the encounter, you would drop it as though it was a hot iron.

He whom God calls, he pre-destinates. God gives men gifts and his gift is without repentance. Peter Mbah has the gift of leadership. In the life of Israel, God at every dispensation raised leaders for Israel. He raised Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Saul, David, Solomon, Asa, Josiah, King Hezekiah, to mention no more. These were great leaders in their own rights. Almighty God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He rules in the affairs of men. In our time in this dispensation, the Lord has found us a man after His heart like David. His name is Peter Ndubuisi Mbah.

Peter Mbah is a gift from above to the people of Enugu State. The soft-spoken gap-toothed genius has about him all what it takes to lead. He exudes the aura, grace, charisma and the ambience of quintessential leadership. Peter has it all in terms of his personality, mien, intelligence, wisdom, capacity, competence, name it. Yet he is humble and young. Peter is a young man in his early 50s who had made it early in life, having gone into business early in life and rose to the position of Chief Executive Officer to many firms.

It is of the Lord that at such a time like this, Enugu State is about to record unexampled turnaround of its fortunes with the prospect of crystalized exponential growth of its GDP and reduction of its poverty headcount to zero percent as Peter proposed. Peter Mbah has antecedents of radical transformation, what he calls disruptive innovation, as he had wrought in the downstream oil industry in Nigeria with Pinnacle Oil and Gas Limited. Peter will replicate this uncommon feat in Enugu State when he becomes the governor.

What Peter does, he does with ease, emotional intelligence, perspicuity, clarity of purpose and strategically tie them to empirical models. Peter speaks the language of governance and economy, and does not struggle to do so because it is his habitat. What he would do with Enugu economy is clear and rests in his palm.

Peter Mbah is not coming for any selfish end. He has already made it in life. He is a billionaire CEO, an oil magnate, who had as early as 1992 played in importation of electronics and trading. As at that time when it took N3 million to float a bank, Peter’s net-worth was above N50 million. Peter has Midas Touch and whatever he touches turns to gold. He can sell ice to the Eskimos and has the capacity to translate to crystal reality his thoughts and positive imaginations.

Peter was created to lead; preach good tidings to men; to comfort those that mourn in Zion; to give them beauty for ashes and the oil of gladness for the spirit of heaviness; to turn Enugu State into an Eldorado, the best investment destination, a land flowing with milk and honey. Alas! Who would say nay! Enugu would not choose to scald its fingers when it has the roasting rod. Peter is born to lead and lead well. Ndi Enugu behold your Governor! Crown him king come March 2023, and you would be glad you did.

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